ALTEN Romania received the Great Place to Work® certification, awarded to the most appreciated organizations by employees

ALTEN Romania, the local subsidiary of the French group and one of the most important IT and engineering consulting companies, has been included among the most appreciated organizations by employees, in Europe and in the world, according to the distinction recently awarded by the global research company Great Place to Work®.

ALTEN obtained the Great Place to Work (GPTW) certification following the feedback received from 47% of employees, following the completion of a questionnaire with 67 questions, collected and interpreted using the methodology of the Great Place to Work® organization.

ALTEN_certificare GPTW 2021

The evaluation methods used by GPTW are based on a series of essential criteria from the point of view of employees, namely trust, respect and fairness, behavior and collegiality, while analyzing the relationship of employees with management, other employees and perception on your own job.

The certification validates the fact that we attract as a team people passionate about their jobs, involved in what they do, who not only achieve remarkable results in international projects, but who also feel very good at work, developing beautiful relationships with other colleagues. This is especially important for our organization, given that we are constantly innovating, both in the recruitment process and especially in the retention and loyalty of employees. We are all the more honored as we know that this is an attestation that, so far, only a few companies present in Romania have received ”, says Adrian Nicolae, executive director of ALTEN Romania.

The study attests to the fact that employees have a constant positive experience at work, mentioning among the most important considerations equal opportunities (depending on race, gender, age and sexual orientation: 88-95%), ability and correctness of management (81- 82%), adaptation to the environment and work tasks (82%), use of the necessary equipment and resources (81%), very good customer relations (90%), as well as safety at work (94%).

Also, the participants in the study mentioned as strengths of the organization the following aspects: family work environment - "which makes the stress level is significantly reduced", the team - "people understand each other, accept each other, help each other, work as a team, even in the most difficult moments ”, the involvement of the management and the HR department -“ for the employees to feel good ”, the flexibility both in the relationship with the clients and with the other employees, the existence of well-defined processes and procedures , the balance between responsibilities and work tasks.

At the same time, among the mentions of the participants in the questionnaire, ALTEN employees specified as positive, especially during the COVID-19 crisis, transparent communication within the company, improved communication with customers and implementation of 100% remote work, and its expansion after the pandemic.

The GPTW questionnaire included answers from 47% of the employees within ALTEN Romania, of which over 56% are women, aged between 26 and 34 (42%). 84.7% hold executive positions, 12.81% have roles that involve supervising other people, 1.6% are managers, and 1.2% are part of the company’s management. Also, about 40% of the participants in the questionnaire are recent employees (up to two years old), while 34.7% of them have been working in the company for over two years.

About Great Place to Work®

Great Place to Work® is a global business research and consulting organization that analyzes brand culture and job quality, which supports companies in their development, thus recognizing the best organizations in the world. Research focuses on each employee's work experience - showing that there is a clear and direct relationship between employee dedication and financial performance. GPTW certification is valid for one year, with immediate validity and represents the opportunity for companies to be recognized as one of the top organizations in the sector in which they operate.


A world leader in engineering and technical consulting, the ALTEN group conducts research and development projects for top companies in all industrial, telecommunications and services sectors around the world. At the end of 2019, ALTEN Romania registered a turnover of approx. 25 million euros (121 million RON). The company provides support for the development strategies of its clients in the fields of research and innovation, information systems and engineering, since 1996. The team of specialists is involved in software development projects, business analysis, business intelligence (BI), project management, technical support, automotive engineering or hardware design. ALTEN Romania is a career accelerator for its employees, offering diversity, mobility and an organizational culture based on team spirit. More details on

Article published by PR Wave.