Bucharest, January 14: ALTEN Romania and Kepler join forces under the ALTEN Romania logo, part of the ALTEN international group, to increase the quality of work experiences and to streamline business processes.

Starting with January, ALTEN Romania & Kepler announces the transition to practices and an organizational culture of Agile type, which means that the activity will be carried out in divisions, instead of companies. Also, the decision-making processes will be streamlined, the functions working in a collaborative and results-oriented way, with direct reporting within the divisions.

We have improved our capabilities and defined two main divisions, focused on engineering and IT, which are ready to work closely with partners in the country and abroad on state-of-the-art projects. To support the Agile work, cross-cutting departments such as Accounting, Human Resources, Internal Development, Communication & Marketing will serve as important resources for the two divisions.

The two divisions / business lines of ALTEN Romania will be:

ALTEN TECHNO division that offers engineering services in various sectors, such as the automotive, aeronautical, railway and energy industries.

ALTEN KEPLER division that provides software development services, business and technical analysis, support, maintenance and monitoring for national and international customers in the fields of telecommunications, banking and pharmaceuticals.

”By transitioning to an Agile-type organizational culture, ALTEN Romania wants to obtain a collaborative team of highly qualified and experienced professionals, in order to offer the best quality services to its clients. We also want to increase efficiency by streamlining experiences and expertise by breaking the classic organizational barriers. The Agile way of working is a way of working with which we have been familiar for a long time in terms of the big projects in the IT division that we coordinate in this way. The transition to an Agile organization therefore comes as a natural step and is implemented throughout the organization. ” Said Axel Girardetti, ALTEN Director for Central and Eastern Europe.

The transition to Agile culture starts from the central “team” element, which emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship and collaboration, imposing transparency and communication between all parties involved.

Through an Agile way of working, work teams will have more autonomy, increased flexibility in decision-making and high support from support functions.


About ALTEN Romania

ALTEN Romania, part of the ALTEN Group, offers support for the development strategies of its clients in the field of innovation, research and development systems and IT since 1996. From 2019, the company includes two specialized divisions on its main capabilities: Engineering - ALTEN TECHNO and IT - ALTEN KEPLER.

About the ALTEN Group

World leader in Engineering and Technical Consulting (ICT), present in 20 countries, the ALTEN Group carries out engineering and development projects for the world's major industrial customers in the telecommunications and tertiary sectors. Its employees have the skills and capabilities to cover the entire development cycle and to provide a wide range of services, from technology consulting to project outsourcing.