Creation and Implementation of Automated Testing Framework


Banking, Finance & Insurance




Our client needed a dedicated team on automated testing to smooth the processes.
ALTEN KEPLER team started the collaboration with the client by offering consultancy on how to implement the testing activity. The team was counseled on how to implement an automated testing tool by making, at the same time, a part of the manual testing activities (test cases creation, test plans).
Our team started to create the framework of automated testing, to implement new methods in the tool while, at the same time, integrate the manual testing activity. A graphic interface with 5 different screens was created to run automated tests and to be used by the developers and business managers.
A pre-live/pre-production phase was integrated in the development process before the actual deployment of an application and this increased the volume of work which was managed properly by our team.


Manual testing
Framework development
Implementation of the new methods
Pre-live/pre-production phase

ALTEN - Added Value

Through a good collaboration with the client`s team, we managed to create, improve, and implement the framework.
Until now, 20 scenarios with 105 tests were run, a good number considering the challenges.
With our help, the client has now a feasible and good automated testing framework that can work with the entire range of applications and products developed internally by the bank.
The number of bugs discovered after deployment decreased considerably.
A fast and better approach on the testing activity was implemented due to our consultancy.

Standards and Tools