In March 2022, we initiated the Share your ALTEN story project through which we challenged colleagues to share their story and professional experience with us. Through it, we want to highlight the career and success stories of the company's employees, but also to get to know our colleagues better.

Share your ALTEN story is a remarkable success and brings together colleagues from all departments. Over the months, we received a lot of inspiring and emotional stories from employees who shared with us their successes, but also the difficult moments and lessons they learned throughout their careers. The project also gives us the opportunity to better connect with each other, to better understand the professional context of each colleague and to create a culture of continuous learning and sharing of experiences within our company.

Anton Fieraru, the business intelligence engineer, is both an ALTEN Romania brand ambassador and one of the colleagues who accepted our challenge.

Anton is a graduate of a mathematics-informatics faculty and has embraced a career in "Data" for more than twenty years. In addition to faithfulness in his professional career, Anton also shows constancy in his hobbies: Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning), traveling and cooking for family and guests.

We invite you to discover his professional path in the lines below.

How did the ALTEN România's Story start for you?

In 2022, I joined the ALTEN team as a Business Intelligence Engineer after a recruitment process that lasted about two weeks and included three interviews (open discussions) on Teams. The first discussion was with the ALTEN HR team,  followed by a discussion with the Business Developer, and the last and probably most important was with the German client.

In terms of professional development, I feel like I've been lucky. Both ALTEN and the client helped me a lot, from simple answers to specific questions to French courses and workshops with the teams in France and Germany.”

What does the ALTEN experience mean to you?

For some people, choosing to apply for a job at ALTEN is more than just finding a job. Some are looking for a work environment that inspires them and gives them meaning in their work, while doing what they are passionate about. Likewise in the case of Anton:

When I chose to apply for a job at ALTEN, I wasn't actually looking for a job, I was looking for a place where I could find inspiration and meaning in my work while doing what I'm passionate about. In my opinion, finding such an opportunity is essential to being motivated and getting satisfaction from your career. Finding these things at ALTEN is why I am excited to be part of their team and continue to develop my skills and bring value to our projects.


Overall, I choose ALTEN because it gives me the opportunity to use my skills and continuously improve myself in a dynamic work environment where every day is different. In addition, I have the opportunity to work in a multilingual and multicultural environment, which is a real challenge in itself and helps me develop my communication and collaboration skills with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

In particular, I feel the need to work in an entrepreneurial and competitive environment, but also to have the necessary support to be productive and successful in what I do. ALTEN is the ideal solution for me as it offers me a balance between these two aspects, with opportunities to be creative and innovate in a competitive environment, but with the support and resources to succeed in my projects. This is why I chose to stay and continue to contribute to the success of our team.”

In conclusion, it is essential not to underestimate the importance of sound theoretical foundation in the field of Data, including its sub-fields AI and ML. Easy media success can be tempting, but it is important to remember that without a strong theoretical base, we will never be able to put anything concrete into practice.

The people who want to pursue a career in this field should invest time and effort in building such a strong theoretical foundation by learning mathematics and programming. In addition, my personal experience prompts me to suggest to younger colleagues not necessarily to be the first in everything and everywhere, but to focus on being the best in the field in which they want to perform, with a solid knowledge base and approach practice. Being the first among the first is a worthy goal to pursue and can pay long-term benefits in a successful career in Data.

If you want to find a job where you can "find your inspiration and the meaning of your work", ALTEN Romania can be the perfect choice for you. Access the website and apply to the available roles.