Automation and Maintenance for Taxi Driver Licensing Application


Public Sector & Government Services




ALTEN KEPLER had the responsibility to create and maintain an application that integrates all services needed in order for taxi drivers to pay their taxes and fines.
This application integrates other external systems/services (mandatory vehicle inspection, taxes and fees, Police services, call center services). The taxi driver has the communication only through the call-center and all the payments are done in the application (when the taxi driver communicates the card data, the phone call recording stops). At the same time, the application permits the storing of important reporting services relevant internally and also on demand.
2 consultants from our team provided automation & maintenance services for the application used by the commission for licensing vehicles, drivers, and dispatch operators.



ALTEN - Added Value

Our client gained the opportunity to streamline the internal and external processes (mandatory vehicle inspection, taxes and fees, Police services, call center services).

Standards and Tools