#insidealten: Drawing and following a Career Path with Alexandra Dobrică

In March, we launched a challenge to our colleagues to share their story and their career path. Thus, the project Share your ALTEN Story started.

Wondering what is the key element of the whole concept? We believe that the successful career stories of our employees tell more than anything else and that is why they will be in the foreground of the entire campaign.

One of the colleagues who said YES to our challenge is Alexandra Dobrică, IT Recruiter specialist.

Alexandra attended the Faculty of Informatics in Craiova and then the master's degree Economic Informatics in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration.

Let's discover her story below.


How did the ALTEN Romania's Story start for you?

„For me, the ALTEN's story started with the first position I had - Junior IT recruiter. Later, after 6 months, I managed to advance to the role of IT Specialist recruiter, demonstrating the skills that I have and about I talked with Simona, my team leader. She was the one who trusted me the most from the moment I started this collaboration.

Another person who was very helpful to me and who inspired me with her devotion and passion was Corina, our manager, who, no matter what the situation, supported us and helped us to move forward regardless of the nature of the situation.”


What does the ALTEN experience mean to you?

„For me, the ALTEN experience means passion for what you do, it means devotion, it means collegiality, it means trust, it means development, it means a complete whole where there is not just me or just you. Also, ALTEN is the place where I advanced professionally and where I felt that drawing and following a dedicated Career Path is important.”



„I choose ALTEN because it is the company that has shown me that it doesn't matter who you are, it matters to be dedicated to your work, to want to do beautiful things with your team and the rest comes naturally. You will receive support from your colleagues and your manager to succeed!”

If Alexandra's story inspired you and you want to join a company where "it doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, where it's important to want, to be curious so the things can settle down naturally thanks to the team that is next to you, no matter what ”, access the website www.careers.altenromania.ro, see the available roles and apply to the one that suits you. You can, in turn, to inspire future successful people!

Keep an eye on us because there are coming other stories of colleagues ready to share their professional career within ALTEN Romania.