How does the recruitment process at ALTEN Romania take place

Are you preparing to graduate from college and looking for a job where you can develop yourself? Have you gained enough experience and want to change your job? Or did a job opening catch your eye within ALTEN Romania? Are you thinking of applying, but before that you would like to know what the stages of the recruitment process are and how they are carried out?

If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, you are in the right place. In the following lines, you will find out how the recruitment process takes place at ALTEN Romania.

The stages of the recruitment process in IT

Before actually listing the stages of the recruitment process, we emphasize that the digitization of HR processes has become increasingly important in recruitment companies in Romania, including ALTEN. With the implementation of remote work and hybrid systems, employers have digitized their recruitment processes, thus offering more attention to candidates from smaller cities, in conditions of maximum flexibility.

At ALTEN, for example, the recruitment process takes place 100% online. Discover how to turn your online interview experience into a pleasant one.

The number of stages in the recruitment process in the IT industry depends on the job vacancy and the company you want to work for. At ALTEN, the standard recruitment process takes between 2-3 weeks.

According to an IT job market report done in Poland, we note that the optimal recruitment time for candidates would be two weeks. In this sense, the recruiters make every effort to shorten the recruitment process, but often it also depends on the time availability of the candidate, the ALTEN team, the task of the technical test, the negotiation of the contract and various other aspects that cannot be foreseen.

1.  CV review and first contact with the recruiter

Usually, the contact with the recruiter begins when you are notified by him. At this stage, the recruiter has already seen your profile and considers you to be a suitable person for the available role for which ALTEN is looking for new colleagues.


During the first interview, the recruiter will analyze your soft skills, i.e. interpersonal and communication skills. You will be asked questions about your main motivation for applying for the available role, what your financial expectations are, your preferred way of working and others.

We recommend you to start the recruitment process honestly and ask questions if you want to discover more information about the position described.

2.    The technical interview

The next stage of the recruitment process at ALTEN is the technical interview. By the way, read 12 tips&tricks that help you get a positive evaluation at this stage.


The purpose of this stage is to test your knowledge and technical skills related to the position you are applying for. We recommend you to take the time to refresh your memory on some technical information to be prepared. If you feel like you cannot give the right answer, ask questions to find out additional information that might give you more clues. At the same time, this will help you show your curiosity and interest in the questions asked, but also in the field/industry in general.

If you are preparing to apply for a position within ALTEN Romania, it is good to know that before the technical interview you will receive a document (job description) that clearly specifies the essential requirements of the position, the duties, responsibilities and skills necessary to fulfill a certain role.

3.  Establishing the employment conditions and signing the contract

The last stage in the recruitment process at ALTEN is given by clarifying the formalities and establishing the date from which you actually start working and become an ALTEN employee.


Some aspects about ALTEN to take into account in the recruitment process:

  • it is a less formal discussion;

  • during the interview the knowledges are assessed, but in a friendly way;

  • you have the chance to advance quickly in your career thanks to the ALTEN business model;

  • you can interact with several projects.

It is important to know that regardless of the response of the Recruiter / Project Manager, you will always receive feedback on your application.

In conclusion, ALTEN recruiters try to conduct a recruitment process as friendly as possible, your experience is important to us. Of course, if something doesn't work out as planned, there are always other chances to land your dream job. Moreover, thanks to the feedback you will receive, you will get useful and valuable information that will help you develop further.

What do you say, did I make you curious to take a look at the roles available within ALTEN Romania? With courage and maybe see you soon for an interview.