#insidealten: Continuous professional development and constant support in an IT company with Aura Corina Moise

We continue the Share your ALTEN story journey which has as main purpose the highlighting of the career and success stories of the company's employees, with a new story, this time from the Business Analysis department.

Aura Corina Moise, a lover of nature and exploration, is part of the ALTEN Romania team and responded positively to the challenge of sharing the story of her professional career within the company. Aura holds the position of IT Business Analyst, and in her free time she relaxes by painting or cooking various dishes.

Discover the story of the Aura in the lines below.

How did the ALTEN România's Story start for you?

„During the pandemic, I was reluctant to change my job, but ALTEN was with me throughout the recruitment process. ALTEN gave me information about the company, about its ongoing projects, shared the experiences of my colleagues and offered me various opportunities.

After a year of experience in ALTEN Romania, I can say that I made the right choice and I am happy to be part of the team.”

What does the ALTEN experience mean to you?

„ALTEN is the company that focuses on my professional development, facilitating my access to the courses I need to develop in the direction I want.”



I choose ALTEN because I met colleagues eager to help me quickly with solutions to situations encountered both in professional life and personally. Either they helped me with advice when I didn't know how to proceed on the project I'm working on, or they helped me talk to people who had a similar experience.

In ALTEN I have always found support and I am grateful for the seriousness with which the team treats any situation.”

If the stories of Alexandra and Aura inspired you and want to join a company in which you can "stay a long time, discover new projects, new people and to share your experiences with colleagues", access the website www. careers.altenromania.ro, see the available roles and apply to the one that suits you.

Poți, la rândul tău, inspira viitori oameni de succes!

Stai pe-aproape deoarece urmează și alte povești ale colegilor gata să-și împărtășească parcursul profesional din cadrul ALTEN România.