Inside ALTEN

- Take a look inside the company -

At ALTEN, we offer daily consulting in the field of engineering and technology, being connected to international trends in this sector and we offer our customers innovative and sustainable technical solutions. The members of the ALTEN team are not only good professionals, first of all they are people, whom we encourage to develop both professionally and personally. Thus, the organizational culture of ALTEN is defined by collaboration, care and respect for people and development.

ALTEN - Great Place to Work®

At the end of 2021, for the second year in a row, we were included among the most valued organizations by employees, according to the distinction given by the global research company Great Place to Work®. Also in the same year, we received the “Shining Star” award for the first time from the consulting and organizational evaluation company Inspiring Employers LLC, due to the working conditions offered by ALTEN Romania, as well as due to the internal policies and initiatives taken in support of the company's employees.

Our organizational culture is defined by collaboration, care for people and development. The premise we rely on when it comes to ALTEN people is that each colleague contributes to the success of the team, which is why we encourage the development of a collaborative environment. Therefore, every decision that could have an impact on colleagues is analyzed, so that we meet the expectations of the people who represent ALTEN.

ALTEN's Spirit

We strongly believe that the spirit of ALTEN is not only given by the management and the decisions taken at this level, but especially by the values that our employees have in common.

Also, what keeps us close to each other within the company are the social events, the workshops and the technical meetings - where there is an exchange of experiences and technical information between colleagues - but also the educational initiatives and various other activities that forms the network of actions that maintain the spirit of ALTEN.

What colleagues say about the ALTEN experience

Given this approach that is part of the company's DNA, we decided to take a look inside ALTEN and give our colleagues the opportunity to tell us how career their career evolved over time with us.

Thus, we challenged our colleagues, during the Share your ALTEN Story project, to tell us a few words about them, to describe their journey within the company and to explain us what the ALTEN experience means for them. Last but not least, we challenged them to answer the question "Why ALTEN?".

As usual, we enjoyed the openness and proactivity of our colleagues to make their story known, receiving answers from colleagues from different teams.

Who are the ALTEN people?

Our colleagues, regardless of the department in which they work, are people who are not only very good professionals and passionate about the field in which they work, but also have various personal interests.

Regarding the reasons why our colleagues joined ALTEN and why they choose to stay in the company, the answers differ from the team spirit and the human and professional quality of the people they interact with on a daily basis to the equal opportunities they have.

For example, our colleague Alexandra Dobrică, IT Specialist Recruiter, defined the spirit of ALTEN as follows:

„It's the company that shown me that it doesn't matter who you are, it matters to be dedicated to work, to want to do beautiful things with your team and the rest comes naturally”

Stay tuned and follow the Share your ALTEN Story series of articles that will present the people who are the basis of our success, along with their career stories. We take this opportunity to get to know our colleagues, but also to provide insights when it comes to who we are, both at the organizational level and at the individual level.

If you want to join a company where the main values include collaboration, care for people and development, then discover the open jobs and apply to the one that sounds interesting to you: