The year 2020 brings an interesting moment for the Romanian market from the perspective of the engineering market and the IT consulting market, in the context in which “adaptation” is[…]
Exclusive interview with Adrian Nicolae (ALTEN Romania): “I see a market for engineering and IT services in full maturity” Among so many negative trends, did the pandemic have a beneficial[…]
22nd of OCTOMBER 2020 – ALTEN Romania, the local subsidiary of the French group ALTEN and one of the leading IT and engineering consultancy companies on the local market, reported[…]
ALTEN Romania is an IT and engineering consulting company, a subsidiary of the international group ALTEN. It is based in Bucharest, Timisoara, Craiova, Cluj, Pitesti and Sibiu, and the consultants[…]
București, 18 iunie 2020 – ALTEN România, companie de consultanță în IT și inginerie, subsidiară a grupului internațional ALTEN, a încheiat anul 2019 cu rezultate financiare în creștere față de[…]
Autovehiculele moderne, caracterizate printr-o autonomie din ce în ce mai avansată, sunt îmbunătățite prin intermediul Sistemelor Embedded. Reprezentând combinații de software si hardware, aceste sisteme înglobate sunt asemănătoare ecosistemelor complexe[…]
În prezent, suntem puternic influențați de evoluția rapidă a tehnologiei, iar schimbările care apar constant ne îmbunătățesc viața de zi cu zi și modelează lumea în care trăim. Industria automotive[…]
Reaching over 1,000 consultants in Romania, The ALTEN Group has opened a new headquarters in Bucharest With a solid base of operations in Romania, the ALTEN Group inaugurated today, April[…]
Our colleague Dan has been working on the project for one of ALTEN Romania’s clients for 2 years, and since January he has been working for the Precast project for[…]
ALTEN Romania – technical consulting company in IT and engineering, subsidiary of the international group ALTEN – ended 2017 with business of over 8.7 million euros, up 14% compared to[…]